Bowling for Columbine

- I never knew him,
but I knew of him.

He left here before I got here.
I've only lived here seven years

off and on.
- He was about the same age

as you, so you must have people
in your class--

- A friend of mine knows him,
he was in class with him.

He's lived here all his life.
- I went to school with him
and it shocked me to hear it

on the news.
That especially a kid from here
would be doing that.

- I didn't last too long
in high school.

I got kicked out,
I got expelled.

- Why was that?
- I had a run-in with a kid

one time and I pulled a weapon
on him, I pulled a gun on him.

- What kind of gun?
- Nine-millimetre.

I could've made a mess
out of that situation.

- Could've been worse.
- Could've been a lot worse.

- Could've been Eric Harris.
- It could've been.

- So they kicked you out?
- Yeah, they kicked me out

for 380 days or 165 days,
whatever a full school year is.

- For the longest time, that's
what my plan was, to move out

to Colorado.
- Colorado?

- 'Cause I've got family
out there.

Matter of fact,
one of my uncles is a janitor

for Columbine School.
- Really?
- Yeah.

- After Columbine,
what was it like here in Oscoda?

- My name was second-highest
on the bomb list,

because of the reputation
you get in this town.

- Why? You mean
they did a list of--

- Of suspects.
- Of students who potentially--

- Yeah.
- ...would call in a bomb threat

after Columbine?
- Yes.

- And you were number two
on the list?

- I was second or third
on the list, yeah.

- Why is that?
- Because the whole fact is,

like I said, this town
really gets people down.

- Yeah, but why
did they single you out?

- Because I was a troubled kid.
- You were in trouble in school?

- Oh, yeah.
Why did they put you

number two on their list,
after Columbine,

of the students
that could be a threat?

Come on, there must be a reason.
- Well, okay. The thing is,

I have a thing, it's called
the "Anarchist Cookbook."

It shows you how to make bombs
and stuff like that.

If there's anything
that went wrong,

they're gonna come to me first.
And I don't need that.
- Just 'cause you owned a copy

of the book?
- Just because I own a copy--
