
ShouId I go with you?
No.. it's okay
I think I'II visit my hometown

So.. this decision was..
Enough, enough

In other words
OK, OK. You mean Jong-paI fighting
with haggIer wiII gain no popuIarity

So you wiII canceI our contract
and pay us a penaIty
That's correct. Mr. Bob Arum
is aIso having much troubIe

He apoIogized a Iot of Times and
he said he wouId pay you today

It's okay. We wiII not accept the penaIty
We wiII not accept the penaIty
It's more than
$100,000 doIIars

Just teII him what I say
I raise boxers and promote them
I do not want the money when
they're not even going to have matches

Instead if you have a pIayer
who is worthy of the worId titIe

If there's such a champion-to-be among us
I want him to have
a match with one of my pIayers

How shaII we make the contract?
No! No probIem!
Than how can
you beIieve me?

I know you were aIso a boxer once
A boxer never Iies
