
"Hawk in full vigour..."
If it's the one
I remember, I suppose I could.

In those days my brush was guided,
not by me, but by a divine force.

The Master is here.
Come here and look.
That black stone.
Is it moving or not?

A humble stone must be alive
in a painter's eyes.

If a stone is alive, it's dynamic.
If it's dead, it's static.

You can't paint a dead stone.
Pan-soi. Come and look.
Look at it. The rare Mookchong stone,
as blue as ink.

As plump as one of our mountains.
That stone was a gift to you.
You ought to get working.

Gifts are piling up,
waiting for your paintings.

You've done nothing for a month.
I'm tired of this!

Come here.
You're only a kid.
To paint, you need desire.

How can I paint
without an erection?

Ohwon, are you there?
You remember that scholar
who asked for a still life and then...

- wanted a Flower and Bird picture?
- What about him?

Now he says he doesn't want
that either. He wants a landscape.
