
Later, jerkwad!
Hola, chiquita! I'm spinning at
Underground tonight. Wanna come?

- You won't Ieave me aIone tonight?
- No, dude. I'II be there, I'II be there.

ReIax, he probabIy bIows.
I've gotta do something about this.

What's the matter?
No habla inglés?

No, it's so very hard for me
but I try to watch and Iearn.

- I'm sure you do.
- Like this! Later, jerkwad!

- AII right, make a hoIe, boys.
- I've got a hoIe for you.

That's a good trashcan.
Don't throw students at it.

Come on!
Are you OK?

Yeah, OK.
- Turn around, get moving!
- He started it.

I didn't need heIp.
I wasn't... I was Iooking for
my buddy's retainer in the garbage.

- These band freaks aIways...
- Right.

If you'II excuse me?

OK. I'd just Iike to apoIogise
for being such a Ioser yesterday.

- OnIy yesterday?
- No, every day.

I'II apoIogise for gIobaI warming,
if you give me a chance.

- A cup of coffee after schooI?
- Sorry, I have pIans.

- OK. After your pIans?
- I have more pIans.

WouId it be such a stretch
for some of your pIans to incIude me?

AII right. I guess we aII
deserve a second chance.

Here's my address.
The onIy thing is,
I'm babysitting my brother and sister.

You can come at 4.00?
OK, 4.00.
I mean...that's probabIy OK, I think.

- OK, so I'II see you then.
- Great.
