Confessions of a Dangerous Mind

We danced around
to a rockin' band

And when I could,
I gave that girl a hug

In the Tunnel of Love
You'll never know
how great a kiss can feel

When you stop at the top
of a Ferris wheel

When I fell in love
Down at Palisades Park
[ People at park scream ]
[ Song fades out ]
PENNY: Last night
in my dream...

this ape and I are sitting
staring at each other...

and it was, like,
across time and evolution.

And then he started talking...
but in a language
I didn't really understand.

[ Laughs ] Swiss, maybe.
And then he tuned into
Perry Como, real square.

- What's wrong with you?
- Nothing.

PENNY: You know,
just because we fucked...

doesn't mean
there are strings now.

CHUCK: [ Laughs ] OK.
PENNY: I just wanted
to tell you about my dream.

Nothing more complicated
than that. Don't panic.

I'm just not used to
all this dating bullshit.

Now we're a couple.
Now I'm obliged to give
a shit what you say.

PENNY: Don't worry.
I'm not into those games.

So anyway, the monkey
turns into Perry Como...

and I say--
- Holy fuck.
- What?

CHUCK: Holy, holy fuck.
You just gave me an idea
for a show. Fuck!

PENNY: A show about monkeys?
CHUCK: No, about people.
About sex, about romance,
about the bullshit of dating.
I call it "The Dating Game"...
and that's what it's about,

A pretty girl
asks three handsome guys,

who she can't see,
silly questions...

and based on their answers...
she picks one to date,
and we pay for the date.

That's it.
That's the show.

CHUCK: Aah! Aah! Aah!
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
