
God, I don't even remember
what we put in here.

Me either.
Here, hold this
for a second, Lucy.

My Bridal Barbie!
She was my wish.
- You're gettin' your wish.
- I know.

Lucy, I think this is yours.
- My locket.
- What did you wish for?.

I wanted to find my mom.
Did you ever find her?.
No, she lives in Arizona and my pop
doesn't think it's a good idea, so--

What did you wish for?.
- A key chain?.
- No, the world.

That I was gonna get out
of this crappy town...

go all the way to California...
put my feet
in the Pacific Ocean.

There's a wish that's not
coming true for a while.

- A lot you know, Kit.
- What's that supposed to mean?.

Slide Records recording contest?.
- So?.
- So I'm going on Sunday.

You're going to California
to audition for a record company?.

- Yeah.
- You're pregnant.

- So?. I'll wear something slimming.
- And what?.

You thinkyou're gonna become
this big, fat, pregnant star?.

- I have a pretty good voice.
- How are you gonna get there?.

- I found a ride with this guy.
- What?. No, that is crazy.

You can't go to Los Angeles
by yourselfwith some guy.

So?. Then come with me. I'll sing
lead, and you can sing backups.

- It's not something we should do.
- It's stupid is what it is.

Okay, fine.
You know what?.

You can just forget
all your past!
