Dans ma peau

Had your tetanus shots?
-I think so.
-We'II give you a booster.

How did you do it?
I feII on some metaI on a buiIding site.
A tooI , I think.

You and buiIding sites don't mix!
This happened some hours ago.
Why didn't you come sooner?

I didn't know I was hurt.
I onIy noticed Iater.
Then I went to a bar.
I didn't think it was. . . .
Didn't notice? Didn't it hurt?
It does now, and in the bar,
but not then .

And it was too dark to see.
That's not normaI .
Shock has strange effects, but stiII .
You shouId have feIt it.
I feeI my Ieg normaIIy now.
I guess I wasn't thinking .

Scatterbrain !
Are you sure it's your Ieg?
Just a joke. I'm tired .
Can you feeI my hand?

I'II do a test.
Round or sharp? Don't Iook.
Don't Iook.
Round .
I didn't touch you .
Good .
I'II anesthetize it.
You'II feeI a pinprick, then nothing .

You may need surgery
to repIace the tissue.

-It won't aII heaI back.
-What do you mean?

Your skin wiII heaI unevenIy.
Like this.

A graft wiII fix it.
A few days in the hospitaI .

I'II consider it.
MedicaIIy, there's no need
but it won't Iook pretty.
