Dans ma peau

I've been cooped up aII day.
Not even a Iunch break.

In my office.
Then I cut myseIf in the storeroom .
The storeroom , my office.
The air-conditioning ,
no windows open , can't breathe. . . .

I'II be okay.
If you're hurt, the first aid box
is by the photocopier.

Is it? I'II get it.
Wait. How did you cut yourseIf?
On a metaI thing .
I guessed that.
What were you doing with it?

Cutting myseIf.
FIesh wounds. Nothing serious.
I was aIready injured but. . . .

Forget it. Some other time.
Why did you do it?
I don't know.
I think I may have misused
a word , ''aIternativeIy,''

in the first part
of my report this morning .

What are you working on?
A presentation to the Ministry.
Neat! Takes a speciaI kind of writing .
DanieI gave me back my report.
I have to rewrite some of it,
but not aII .

On the whoIe, it was good .
I'II Iet you get on .
No, Iet's have coffee. It can wait.
No, I shouId . . . .
I shouId check that mistake
or it'II bug me.

-Don't worry about it.
