Dog Soldiers

-To Eddie.
-To Eddie.

So, anyway, this bloke walks into a pub, right...
... with a little dog under his arm.
He puts it down on the bar, goes and sits down.
The bartender's looking at him thinking
"What the fucking hell's going on here??".
Then he looks back at the dog and,
to his surprise, the dog turns round and says...
It's a fucking cow!
Fucking hell!
Ceasefire, Terry, ceasefire.
Terry, what the hell are you doing?.
You're firing blanks, man!

Is everyone all right?.
No man, I think I've shit myself!
Is it dead?.
Oh yeah, it's dead all right.
-Christ, Iook at the state of it!
-Sod that, man, look at the state of Terry.

These aren't entry wounds --
More like teeth marks.

What are you saying, Cooper?.
What he's saying, Terry, is
it died of natural causes, mate.

Don't you think we should call this in, sarge?.
Aye, get on the radio, Bruce.
Now there's no way I'm about
to break radio silence...

... because you Iot got spooked
by a dead flying fucking cow!

No, we hoId this position.
We keep it secure till the morning...

... then we reassess the situation.
Right, I want a watch posted.
Two on, four off.
Brucie, Spoon, you're up first.
Cooper and I will reIieve you
at zero one hundred hours.

And in meantime - Terry sort your kit out!
The rest of you get your heads down.
