Eight Crazy Nights

Got a piece!
Bam! Got a piece of my ass.
Shut up!
One more basket and it's chow time,

Let's bring it home.
You're my boy, Benny.
Whoa, little lverson.
-Double up on Stone!
-You got it!

Put it up, Benny.
What's happening?
-Oh, Benny!

You gotta be kidding me!
Now say what l told you to say.
Eat that nut-strap, bitch!
Don't ever use that kind of language
again. Do you hear me?

l'm sorry.
He's just having some fun.
Cursing and acting like a jerk may be
your idea of fun, but it won't be his.

One Davey Stone
around here is enough.

My finger's in your mouth, kitty...
...but l don't feel no teeth.
Let's go, Benjamin.
Why are you eating that?
You know, my mother doesn't
like you very much.

You know, l don't like me
very much either.

Nice playing with you, mini-Shaq.
Why was she looking at me like that?
How could they let that guy
work with kids?

Giving me those nasty eyes.
l was being nice to her kid.
They should have locked
him up for good.

At least she was looking at me.
That felt all right.
