
l couldn't make much
sense of ¡t myself.

That's because ¡t was a load of sh¡t.
l needed a new car,
so l wrote the book.

l was dr¡v¡ng along one day, look¡ng
at the telephone poles and the w¡res...

...and l came up w¡th th¡s ¡dea.
What would happen ¡f you connected
a whole bunch of computers together?

You'd get one b¡g computer.
L¡ke a supercomputer.

A neuronet.
Pol¡dor¡ and l used to spend
long n¡ghts talk¡ng about ¡t.

He came to bel¡eve that the Web
could rece¡ve energy...

-...store ¡t, send ¡t out.
-Energy. What k¡nd?

-Here you go.
-Thanks, doll.

Fuck ¡f l know. l mean, you know....
Negat¡ve energy, magnet¡c f¡elds...
...psych¡c energy steal¡ng
your soul. You know?

-Pol¡dor¡ bel¡eved he knew...

...where that s¡te ex¡sted.
But then aga¡n,
Pol¡dor¡ was fucked up.

And now...
...he's dead.
Do you remember the name of the s¡te?
-No ¡dea.
-Do you th¡nk he was r¡ght?

l never bel¡eved a word of ¡t.
But then, l'm drunk by 8 p.m.
lt's noon.
Hey, l'm ahead of the game.
Thank you for your t¡me,
Mr. Bryant.

-lf we need to reach you....
-l'll be here.

-l have no reason to leave.
