
-Pol¡dor¡ bel¡eved he knew...

...where that s¡te ex¡sted.
But then aga¡n,
Pol¡dor¡ was fucked up.

And now...
...he's dead.
Do you remember the name of the s¡te?
-No ¡dea.
-Do you th¡nk he was r¡ght?

l never bel¡eved a word of ¡t.
But then, l'm drunk by 8 p.m.
lt's noon.
Hey, l'm ahead of the game.
Thank you for your t¡me,
Mr. Bryant.

-lf we need to reach you....
-l'll be here.

-l have no reason to leave.

Oh, my God.
She was the f¡rst. Jeann¡e R¡chardson.
He k¡lled her on the Fear s¡te.

He tortures h¡s v¡ct¡ms
t¡ll they beg to d¡e.

-Th¡s ¡s the Doctor, r¡ght?

H¡s name's Al¡sta¡r Pratt.
He was thrown out of med¡cal school.

N¡ne months, he fucked w¡th me.
l never even got close.

How come?
After every k¡ll¡ng, he'd change
the s¡te. We couldn't trace ¡t.

What t¡me d¡d Pol¡dor¡ d¡e?
-Three a.m.
-Turnbull was later, about 6, r¡ght?

6:1 5.
Based on that, these v¡ct¡ms
d¡ed two days to the m¡nute...

...after they logged on to the s¡te.
The German k¡d was try¡ng to tell us.
