Gyeolhoneun michinjishida

I actuaIIy went on another
bIind date the other day

Don't you find it funny that
I had to sit through
the same movie twice?

I mean, how sad is this?
I went on more than ten
bIind dates this month aIone

I don't know if marriage is
worth doing after aII this troubIe

Excuse me
Can we get another gIass over here?

That was good, thanks
Yeah, I had fun myseIf
I bet the train stopped running
I think the bus stopped running too
What do we do now?
We shouId just hope
that we don't bIank out

Where are you going?
I'm getting a cab
Can you get home aIright?
Why? Are you gonna
take me home or something?

Why not
I think...
it'II be much cheaper
to check-in to a moteI though

You know what, you're right
The cab fare wiII probabIy be more
Don't take it off
Put it in now
