Gyeolhoneun michinjishida

Why do you aIways have to
run to the bathroom after you cum?

I can't stand having cum on my body
You know, that's a huge turn-off
How come you never Iet me take it aII off?
Because then, I can't get aroused
Why not?
When I Iook at someone
that's compIeteIy naked

it reminds me of chunk of meat
But then when the person has cIothes on
I can reaIIy feeI that person
You know, that unique
trait that gives you intimacy

From underear?
That makes no sense
whatsoever I bet your ex-boyfriend
just had the same underear as me

You never missed any bus that day
You were there on time
You were hiding somepIace so
that you can check out the both of us

Then you figured I was
cuter than the other guy

so you just waited tiII
the other guy Ieft, right?

If I were given the same choice
you had I wouId've gone for the KFC girI

How's this?
Don't I Iook young and cute aIso?
From behind you do
WeII then, think of me
as that KFC girI from now, okay?

- Can't do it
- Why not?

Cause she actuaIIy seemed nice
Good one
