Hollywood Ending

but your guitar player
won't be.

You come here to knock me?
I came to...
hold out
an olive branch.

An olive branch?
What is this,
the Israeli parliament?
I'm your son.

I know you're my son.
That's what I'm saying.

I want us to-to, you know...
to get back together again...

to-to-to, you know...
to go fishing.

- I hate fishing.
- I don't mean literally
go fishing in water.

I-I-I-I, you know...
I'm saying that I love you
despite the orange hair...

and the nose rings
and the nipple rings and the tattoos.

It's no wonder
I went blind.

Can I help it
if I took a quantum leap
from your values?

What's wrong with my values?
I don't understand.

I was nice
to your mother.

I-I-I-I-I didn't
steal anything.

I never consumed
any rodents.

How is your mother,

She's great.
They're in Rio.

She has no trouble
accepting me.

Yeah, of course she has no trouble
'cause you're here...

and she moved
to the equator.

I wanna be friends
with you.

I respect what you've tried to do.
You have to respect my goals.

I did some dopey things.
I apologize.

Let's not make a big deal.
We don't have to go fishing,
but we really have a lot in common.

We're both trying
to do something original...

you with film
and me with a live rat.

Oh, Tony.
Tony, Tony.

By the way, I changed my name.
It's not Tony anymore.

It's not?
What is it?

Scumbag X.
Oh, that's nice.
[Clears Throat]

It's much better
than Tony Waxman.

I love you, Scumbag.
[Andrea's Voice]
Events moved pretty rapidly
once the movie wrapped.

Ellie stayed in New York
and helped Val fake his way
through the editing.

They spent
a lot of time together...
