John Q

You have dropped me from full time
to part time. You switched carriers.

Now you're telling me I'm not fully covered
even though I got a policy that says I am?

- It doesn't seem right, does it?
- No, it doesn't. My son is very sick.

If I'm not covered,
I got a serious problem.

I understand that,
but there's nothing I can do.

- You can file an appeal.
- Yeah?

Here you go. That takes
about seven working days.

Says here you already have
medical insurance.

- Not enough.
- What little we have is already used up.

You on welfare?
- You should be on welfare.
- We both have jobs.

That's too bad.
I'm sorry. I can't help you.
Try County Medical.
Yes, ma'am, I need to speak
to somebody in Financial Aid.

No, I don't want to hold.
I've been holding for 15 minutes.

We don't have enough money!
Should I get another job?

- I'm not yelling.
- You're yelling in here!

Next, please.
- Wrong line. Window 15.
- What?

Window 15.
- No.
- No, what?

No, you don't qualify.
My son is dying, I'm broke.
If I don't qualify, who the hell does?
