La Mentale

We wanted to ask you...
Can you pay us in hashish?
And if we got a family discount,
that'd be nice.
You're tough.
Reminds me of when I was your age.
This calls for a drink.
What'll you have? I've got beer...
Maybe you don't touch liquor?
I respect that.

Sure I drink liquor.
I don't buy that crap.

That's fine, too.
You haven't been
hoodwinked by religion.

Thanks, sir.
You're going places.
You'll become someone.
Here's to you, boss.
To yours, sir.
I'm in the corner, Lise!
You win!
Lise, you've won!
That's enough!
I need rest, I work!
What rest? My life's at stake!
She's dumped you.
Where's your pride?

What pride?
Screw pride, I want my wife!
That's enough.
Go away
or I'll call the police!

You heard your mother?
She'll call the cops!

She wants me put away again!
You won, Lise.
You won, I'll go back to jail!
But I'll go alone.
Without you or your mom!

I'll go all alone! Alone!
What's going on?
I thought it was the feds!
