Le Boulet

Me... France... chief.
Chief of prisoner.
Prisoner... bad... thief.
Like you... thief.
SteaI dune buggy.

Okay, you can keep it.
Buggy... gift.
Gift for you.

We must go BakeI.
No, it's a cameI.
We say cameI.
That's me, Reggio.
Fanny pack, mine.

He wants it.
No, not that.
- Not my fanny pack.
- Give it to him.

It's aII I have Ieft.
What do you give me?
What are we waiting for?
I'm waiting for him to get up.
That couId take aII night.
Do something.
I don't know how these things work.
I'II do it myseIf.
I knew I shouId sit in front.
Do they bite?
How shouId I know if cameIs bite?
Listen here, Chuwbacca.
In the desert...
Look at me.

Maybe you're the boss
with your Bedouins.

But here, you're nothing.
So, two choices:
you pIay the game,
and everyone's happy.

Or you're a smart ass,
and I make your Iife miserabIe.

Got it?
You're making me miserabIe!
What? He didn't speak French!
