Le Boulet

What are we waiting for?
I'm waiting for him to get up.
That couId take aII night.
Do something.
I don't know how these things work.
I'II do it myseIf.
I knew I shouId sit in front.
Do they bite?
How shouId I know if cameIs bite?
Listen here, Chuwbacca.
In the desert...
Look at me.

Maybe you're the boss
with your Bedouins.

But here, you're nothing.
So, two choices:
you pIay the game,
and everyone's happy.

Or you're a smart ass,
and I make your Iife miserabIe.

Got it?
You're making me miserabIe!
What? He didn't speak French!
- I retain water.
- Drop your damn diseases!

I'm gonna get a necrosis.
I'm thirsty.
- There's not enough water.
- I'm thirsty.

One sip.
It's aII we have.

I can't do it now.
Why not?
You put your mouth on it.
It grosses me out
to drink after someone eIse.

I shouId've gone first.
It's too Iate now.
So die then.
Die yourseIf.
