Le Collectionneur

We've received several
different descriptions…

Leading us to conclude that
he changes. wears disguises…

and that’s entirely consistent.
Don’t forget: the serial killer
lives in a fantasy world.

Mr. Duras?
If I understand you. we're not
dealing with an ordinary killer?

A serial killer is anything
but ordinary.

Usually he's been killing
regularly since childhood.

He begins with small animals
such as birds…

cats. dogs.
He realizes that the power over life
and death calms his frustrations…

and soothes his sexual ardor.
He's an intelligent man.
organized. brilliant.

Do you think you’ll arrest him son?
I know we will.
Because despite his intelligence.
the serial killer is still human.

He’s suffering and
he’s not immune to error.

Sooner or later I’ll get him.
Could be later than sooner.
Our collector is getting
more and more excited.

He's working faster.
He’s gaining experience.
but losing control.

The point of a press conference
is to reassure the public.

The point is to catch a killer.
The public will be reassured then.
And where did you get that business
of "reconstructing his mother"?

I was fishing.
I wanna provoke him.

She wants to provoke him.
