Master of Disguise

...can you resist me?
So Iisten to me true, Pistachio.
You are now a IeveI 1 .5 apprentice.
Without your heIp, how wiII I know
what to disguise myseIf as?

Listen to your Disguisey instincts.
Answer these questions for yourseIf:

Who, why, where, how wouId they take
your mother and father?

Yes. Who, why, where and why?
No, wrong! Who, why, where and how?
Oh, yes. Who, why, what?
-What and what and what and what?
-What? Wrong! Who, why, where, how?

-Yes. Who, why, where, how?
-That's it! You got it!

Yes! Who, why, where, how?
I say, who, why, where, how?
I say, who, why, where, how?
I say, who, why, where, how?
Yeah, you, empIoyee.
My grandson is stiII raw.
He's unfocused.

When he becomes another person,
he may be unpredictabIe.

About the dentaI,
when Barney and I get stuff done...

:34:18 I pay it,
then you reimburse me?

Or do I biII DeIta DentaI directIy?
I'm not sure how it works.

You sicken me.
I aImost forgot.
-Here is your Nest in a Box.
-''Nest in a Box''?

You may need it. It comes with
instructions. There is something eIse.

The Disguisey BaII of KnowIedge.
When you are in dire straits and don't
know what to do, this wiII be handy.

-I won't Iet you down, master.
-I hope not.
