Moonlight Mile

I know.
That's all right.
Everything you're feeling,
I'm feeling, too.

lf I told you
something, um --

Bertie, we're dying out here.
Shit. I gotta go.
Snot check?
You can come back tomorrow
if you want.

Listen, Cheryl, I --
Can you believe it?
Now she says
the witness was drunk.

Uh, who said?
The D.A.
I just talked to her.

She says he's no good.

lt's bullshit
is what it is.

Half the people
in that joint

are pissed out of their hats
by noon.

Why should this guy
be any different?

Family restaurant --

Okay, we've wasted
enough time there.

They can screw the trial up,
but they can't touch this.

This one's ours.
Now, if we buy out
this whole block for Mulcahey,

we got to find a weak spot.
We find the guy who's hurting
but fighting to hang on.

You can bet your mother
he's the one that's gonna be

tying up the rest
of the merchants emotionally,

killing any straight shot you
got at landing the whole block.

You got to break the spine.
You find him, you break it.

Sit for a second.
Ben, are you okay?
Now, I checked the tax rolls.
I know their debt history.

They got to be choking
on the mortgage by now.
