Mr. Deeds

I know this is supposed to be
a closed casket, but where I come from...

...we feel it's good to see the body
for the grieving process, so....

Sorry about that! I'll keep this sucker closed.
He's still pretty frozen.
Almost there.
I'll keep an eye on the company for you.
Love you.

Nice meeting you. Thanks for the apartment.
That was freaky.
Everybody drive home safe.
Man, this guy is in way over his head.
-Take care.
-You'll see him tonight?

Yes, I'm calling around 4:00.
That's when I get off work.

Remember, I'm Pam Dawson, virgin school nurse
from Winchestertonfieldville, lowa.

That's priceless.
You, a virgin.
-All right, thank you.
-Excuse me, sir.

-I told him he could have that.

Right on. Nice seeing you.
You need to use our bathroom,
come back and use it, okay?

-Will do!
-All right.

How do you think I did at the funeral today?
You spoke beautifully, sir.
I still feel bad.
I snapped my uncle's hand off
when I put him back in the casket.

Lucky for him, he was dead, sir.
Even though his face was frozen that way...
:41:24 looked to me like he was a happy guy.
Am I right?

-He truly was.
-Come on, sit down, please.

And I got to hang out with him, just like this...
...almost every day for 30 years.
What did you guys talk about?
We spoke of life, love, art, wine, business.
I learned much from him.
-I bet you miss him, too.
-I do.

He was like a parent to me.
You see, I never knew my father, and Mama...
...she passed while giving the birth to me.
-You want some Cocoa Pebbles?
-No, thanks.
