
So ...
We wanted to ask if you would do it.
We askedJohn, but he wouldn't.
- No, but...

We're notvery fatherly in my family.
l haven't seen my dad in 8years.

You won't be on any papers.
We'll list the father as unknown.

Who will the mother be?
- l'll be the mother.

Janniwill be too, only not that way.
- Hi.

l hope l got the right things.
Phew, your coffee tastes awful.
l don't get how your food is so good
andyour coffee is so bad.

l may be able to get 5hours more.
- That sounds good.

l'll have less time to write.
- You only work 14hours aweek.

lt is 14hours too many.
l'mwasting my time teaching.

lf only l could pay all the bills,
you couldwrite your stories.

But we've gotyour debts, abroken
dishwasher and awreck of a car.

So 19 hours is better than 14.
- lt's anovel, not a story.

Tell them to shove the 5hours.
l already saidyes.
Hi, Trine-darling!
She wants her braces off now, but
l insisted on the last6 months.

Do we agree?
What's up?
They say if you agree,
l can have the braces off now.

That sounds pretty cool.
Use a glass.
No, it doesn't sound cool.
