Orange County

I’m really nervous.
Don’t be.
Everything’s gonna be fine.

They’re early.
Some very important people
are coming over.

- Stay in your room.
- Why?

- Because you’re an embarrassment.
- Okay.

They’re here.
I look like a pinata.
You look great.
Just remember what I said.

No big drunken scenes, okay?
Lupe’s with Bob, Lance is in his room
and Mom is dressed.

How do I look?
Very handsome.
- Now just--just be yourself.
- Okay.

Come on.
You must be Shaun.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir, Mr. Gantner.

Please come in.
Mrs. Gantner.
Thank you for coming.

- This is my girlfriend Ashley.
- Hi.

- Nice to meet you.
- Hello.

- You’re friends with Tanya.
- Tanya’s very upset by your situation.

I don’t like it
when my granddaughter is upset.

Tanya has Arthur
wrapped around her little finger.

- That’s right.
- Hello!

Hi. I’m Cindy Almond-Beugler.
- I’m Arthur Gantner. My wife Vera.
- How do you do?

Hello. Welcome.
Excuse me.
Won’t you please
make yourselves at home?

Thank you.
Thank you. Thank--

So, tell us about yourself.
Well, I’m a National Merit Scholar...
a straight-A student...
and I want to be a writer.
Do you like John Grisham?
I sure do.

Shaun’s also our class president...
and he was the representative
at our model UN.
