Panic Room

l never hooked it up.
Now what?
l can't hear a thing.
What do you think they want?
l don't know. Rob us....
l don't know.
What do we do?
We wait.
-What if they get in here?
-Well, they can't.

They can't get in. lt's not possible.
Mom. l heard you.
-Do you feel okay?

-You shaky?


Please. Don't worry about me.
He's got kids. What do you think he'll do?
Hang out while the cops waltz in?
Use your head.

Here he comes.
l locked the roof access.
She's not getting down from there.

-She could be in there calling the cops.

Could she have hooked it up today?
No. You don't just call up Bell Atlantic.
She would've had to do it through
Manhattan Security, my company.

l checked the paperwork
and the phone is not connected.

You see? She couldn't have.
-l thought she wouldn't be here.
-He said she wouldn't.
