Pietje Bell

I didn't do it on purpose.
I wanted to earn money for Freckle.

Who is Freckle?
The new boy at school.
And did Freckle ask you?
- Of course not.

Otherwise his father would beat
him up, just like you.

Don't compare me with Freckle's father.
What are you looking at?
I can see a hole in your dress.
- Oh that.

It's a new dress.
Do you like it?

There shouldn't be holes
in a new dress.

And there is a strange crease
in that flap.

A strange crease? Where? Here?
Did you buy it in the sale?
It had an accident.
- I can see that.

Pietje put it on as fancy dress
and things got out of hand.

It always does!
You're much too tolerant.

It's time someone sorted him out.
He's been punished. But we're
grateful he saved us from Aunt Cato.

My mother repaired it.
- I could have done it better.

- Yes, me.

Don't you believe
a young man can sew?

I mend my own socks.
Your mother can't sew for toffee.
Shall we dance?
