Russian Ark

Excuse us, we're lost
- Please be on your way
- Let us live! Let us live!

- Remaining here is forbidden!
- Help us, please

Who forbids it?
What is forbidden?

What language!
Everything is forbidden!

It's better not to argue
We're going, we're going...
I know where we can hide
I suddenly feel afraid.
I don't like military uniforms

- Don't rush
- There's a door ahead

- Not that door, sir!
- But I like it

- Such a beautiful door!
- No, not that one!

I have never been here
Why is it so cold?
I told you not to enter
What cold!
Frames... But where are...

Where are the canvases?
Let's go back, I beg you
- Who's there?
- It's me

- What's happening?
- Nothing. I simply entered

- Come closer
- I'm coming

Maybe you need help, kind sir?
Who is the "kind sir"?
Me? You?
Not here, not there
There is no-one
Only coffins and corpses
Come and see.

- I'm coming
- That's my coffin

- Your coffin?
- Yes, I made it myself

Why that strange tone, kind sir?
Why coffins in the Hermitage?
It's my coffin!
