Sex Is Comedy

- One more?
- No. that's it.

Which do we print?
The last one for sure. and...
Take 2.
- There's Take 4.
- Did you like it?

Not bad. Smilier.
I'm not wild about smiles.
That one too, can't do any harm.
2. 4 and the last one!
He has to try on his fake penis.
I'm in no hurry for that!
Knowwhat I call him?
"Minimum Service."
He just stands in front
of the camera for a take.

He's such a whore on the set!
A tramp, who wiggles his ass.
It's always that way:
at first you're enthusiastic

about your male leads,
you pick them for their looks.

Then they let you down,
you reject them.

Last time. it was the same.
I felt it was very different.
No. the same.
You look at boys
the way men look at girls:

for consumption,
not human qualities.

I always film machos.
What can I do?

Rhett Butler. in "Gone with
the Wind". was the ultimate macho.

So there.
I think we can only love
the men we despise.

Antagonism is a tonic for desire.
Right, human qualities
can't match desire.

Yes, but desire is a human quality.
Yes! It's a human quality!
