Sex Is Comedy

I hate possessions, clothes,
I want to own nothing.

I'm not into money:
money is power.

Owning nothing is freedom.
I can't stand your bossiness:
you're a tyrant.

A tyrant!
I hate that!
And how you speak to people!

I'm making a film!
My relationship with you
is sheer agony!

The same goes for me!
I've never felt as bad
as on your film.

But I'm glad you chose me.
I thought you'd take

the guy I tested with:
he's more handsome.

A lot more handsome!
All those I considered.
there were three.
were all more handsome.
But you're...

You're a hustler!
You can make people think
you're handsome!

But I have to drag it out of you.
I can't stand being shouted at.
I found a calendar
I had when I was 5.

You realize, 5 years old!
I'd put a cross on certain days.
There were 5...

There were only 5 days...
5 days when what?
When my stepmother didn't beat me.
So when I'm shouted at, I go nuts!
It's not meanness, it's anxiety.
Aren't you hungry?
You've hardly eaten anything.

Neither have you.
An empty stomach's
good for the scene. So I'm light.
