
l got three people out.
You can be number four.

-Like Mandela.
-Similar. You ain't as noble.

You ain't no Nelson. You're ReRun.
You your own man. We want ReRun out.
Mandela's shit stink too.
Trey, l'll talk you through this.
-Not so loud.
-Say what?

l wasn't that loud.
You don't have to talk too loud.
Shouldn't my lawyer be here?
That's the wrong thing you can do.
Let me explain something.

Research has shown people
don't want to hear lawyers.

They want to hear it
straight from your mouth.

l got Johnnie Cochran.
No offense, bro.

Cochran will get a response
l'm not trying to get.

l'm trying to get people
to connect with you.

lf they see Johnnie Cochran
in a $ 1 000 suit. . .

. . .they ain't going to get you
out of prison.

Ain't no cops here.
Just me and you. Brother to brother.

l'm your brother.
Take it slow. Nice and easy.
He's still on the fence.

All right! You and Lazy Boy
got this gun from somebody!

You work for the same person!
Who you working for?

What the hell?
What kind of reporter are you?

-l don't tiptoe around the truth!
-Back off.

And l will not back off
until l find out the truth!

Brother, look at me. They selling
your black ass down the river.

You say ""ass"" on TV?
This is cable.
l can say whatever l want to.

Did they tell you plea-bargain?
Take the hit, do the time?
That's what was said, isn't it?
See if you can get a name.
lt's time, ReRun.
lt is time to shine the light
on who's behind this.

Who's the puppet master?
Whose time are you doing?
While you're in here
he's smelling freedom.
