Stealing Harvard

People always talk about fate.

I never used to believe in that. Some
things are just out of your control.

Like my parents.
They died when I was 1 8.

There was nothing I could do
about that.

But was that fate?
Then you would have to say
everything was fate.

Who you spend your life with.
What you end up doing for a living.
Is what happens prepackaged
and served to me by a higher power?

I didn't think so,
but there has to be some explanation.

Because my life was totally different
a couple weeks ago.

- I went to the bank today.
- Yeah?

- Have you checked our balance lately?
- No.

- Wait. Did we? Did we do it?
- We did it!

We have exactly $30,006.
We can get married!
I know you thought it was silly
to wait until we had this money...

...before we got married, but now
we can put a payment on a house...

...we can plan a family...
- Elaine was incredible.

I'm so happy.
Not here.
- You can kiss me at home.
- Although she did have one odd habit.
