Stuart Little 2

Mom's mad, George won't play with me....
I know. But every cloud has a silver lining.
Doesn't that make them kind of heavy?
No, it's an expression, Stuart.
The thing about being a Little is
that you can look at any situation...

:13:17 matter how bleak, how hopeless...
...and still see the bright side. The silver lining.
Like in this situation,
the silver lining would be....

Help me, Dad, because I'm struggling.
George has found a newfriend.
So you could find a newfriend, too.

You're a lot better at this than I am.
I've been a Little a lot longer than you have.
You'll get the hang of it.

Meantime, keep your chin up...
...your back straight and your heart open.
-Then what?
-One step at a time.

And Canada is separate
from the United States because...

...Canadians like to be alone.
Review tomorrow, test on Friday.
And please take your leftover lunches with you.
My husband is tired of me coming home
smelling like salami.

Tony, would you like to come over
to my house this afternoon?

Sorry, pal. I've got karate.
Hey, Mark.
Guitar lessons.
Some of the guys are going over to Will's house
to play basketball.

Can I come?
They didn't exactly mention
that you were invited.

Oh, that's okay. I'm busy anyway.
Just tell Mom I walked you home.
