The Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course

It landed, and then Australia lost transmission.
Looks like the U.S. government
has a problem in Australia.

Oh, crikey!
Terri, get the catching bag!
These lizards are like land crocodiles!
Their teeth are like tiger sharks!
And if you get too close,
they'll towel-whack you!

You're a slippery little guy.
What a steamer!
Not only can they run like blazes,
but they can also scale these sharp rocks...

:04:09 it's going out of fashion.
This is his territory.
Up there he'll have
a couple good-looking Sheilas...

...just waiting for him.
He gave me the slip. That's all right.
Have a look at this!
Poo! Perentie poo!
What a beauty!
That's some good perentie poo.
It can tell me a lot about the animal.

What we've got in here is pig's ear...
...snake skin...
...a little bit of lizard skin.
And check this out!
A lizard claw!
From another lizard.
The perentie is the master.
He sits up here in the escarpment,
watching from his nice cool tunnel.
