The Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course

Not only can they run like blazes,
but they can also scale these sharp rocks...

:04:09 it's going out of fashion.
This is his territory.
Up there he'll have
a couple good-looking Sheilas...

...just waiting for him.
He gave me the slip. That's all right.
Have a look at this!
Poo! Perentie poo!
What a beauty!
That's some good perentie poo.
It can tell me a lot about the animal.

What we've got in here is pig's ear...
...snake skin...
...a little bit of lizard skin.
And check this out!
A lizard claw!
From another lizard.
The perentie is the master.
He sits up here in the escarpment,
watching from his nice cool tunnel.

Watching. Waiting. Sees a bit of movement.
They can spot movement from 300 meters away!
Way down there in the sand dunes.
Spots it. Goes down. Waits.

Runs out! Strikes! Lacerates!
Then swallows it whole and comes back
up here into its cool retreat.

This is really important.
I'm going to save it for later.

We're here in the outback
on a field study trip for the zoo...

...hoping to find some of Australia's
more unlovable creatures for research.

Here's your poo, mate.
We're heading for snake country!
Australia is home
to the most venomous snakes in the world.

And with a bit of luck, we'll find some.
Okay, Sui, in the truck.
This is going to be a great adventure!
You all right, mate?

You never know what's out there.
