The Era of Vampire

You want to see one?
This place is haunted.

If you hang around,
you'll definitely bump into one.

-There are no ghosts here!

Didn't you feel a shiver on your
back up there?

-You'll see them sooner or later.

-You know what I mean.

And worse!
Have you heard of vampires?

Yes, vampires.
But I'll give you a break.
I'm a good scout.

You tell the others that there are vampires
here. Tell them to keep away.

-Leave by boat. Vampires hate water.

Where do I get a boat?
Goddamn vampires.

-What are you looking for?

I ran into a bandit
searching for Jiang's gold.

Everyone wants to find out about
the gold.

-What were you doing in the forest?
-I went to check out funny noises.

Good. Thunder has Sasa
and I have you.

Dear Brother, I know
once a woman is married...

...according to tradition,
she must remain with her husband.

But this Jiang household
is really strange.

I don't think
I can stay here much longer.

I hope you understand my situation.
Please, help me get out of here.

Your sister, Sasa.
