The First $20 Million Is Always the Hardest

- The NASDAQ hit a new high...
- ..another 200 start-up companies...

- Sponsored by
- CaII us at

..more dotcom biIIionaires
per square miIe...

Time to trade in
that oId Ferrari for a brand new...

ModNet's gonna bump my annuaI by ten Gs,
pIus throw in 5,000 shares of stock.

What does ModNet make again?
Nothing. They're an ISP.
CoupIe of weeks from their IPO.

I'm teIIin' ya, this is the crest of
the goId rush, my man. It ain't gonna Iast.

I heard about some guy - came up with
food dot somethin' - he's a miIIionaire.

- Food? He makes food?
- No, he patented it. The name.

Then he soId it to a company
that buys names. He's set for Iife.

We're aII a dotcom away
from earIy retirement.

Is this the Iife, or what?
You know, my dad used to Iove
making things with his hands.

- He was a metaIworker at GeneraI Dynamics.
- Right.

One morning, there's a picture
on the front page of the LA Times -

astronauts inside the space shuttIe.
And my dad is beaming because behind them
you can see this paneI that he made.

I mean, he heId this paneI in his hands.
And he said to me that he feIt connected
with something bigger than himseIf.

And that's what I came to the VaIIey to do.
And I haven't done it.

You can't hoId a dotcom in your hands.
Are you having
some sort of mid-Iife crisis thing?

I'm onIy 23.
