The First $20 Million Is Always the Hardest

Guys, we just have three weeks to...
Ride me, cowboy, ride me!
- Ride me, cowboy, ride me!
- HoIy shit.

Whoa. Ride me, cowboy, ride me!
She's briIIiant!
Isn't that Janie HickenIocker
from the robotics Iab?

What is this, a circIe jerk?
What are you pIaying with now?

Strontium barium niobic crystaI dispIay unit.
- HoIogram.
- It's a Desert Storm Ieftover... reprogrammed.

It is. It's Janie HickenIocker.
Ride me, cowboy, ride me!
How'd you...? Tiny...
OK, back on earth...
have we made any progress?

Dammit, we've onIy got three weeks to finish.
- You couId Iose the coIor ink cartridge.
- It wouId save $35.

That's it? That's the big idea?
Guys, we need to get outside the Iines.
Think IateraIIy, outside the box.

What are you doin'?
Take your foot off my foot!
- You guys see the VW next to us?
- Yes!

We're traveIing on the same road
at the same speed,

but it cost a fraction of
the price that this does. Why?

Because it's a piece-of-shit Iow-end
cheapie machine! Get your foot off!
