The First $20 Million Is Always the Hardest

That's it? That's the big idea?
Guys, we need to get outside the Iines.
Think IateraIIy, outside the box.

What are you doin'?
Take your foot off my foot!
- You guys see the VW next to us?
- Yes!

We're traveIing on the same road
at the same speed,

but it cost a fraction of
the price that this does. Why?

Because it's a piece-of-shit Iow-end
cheapie machine! Get your foot off!

No, Iook again. It's simpIe. It has no extras.
It's onIy got what it needs.

We need to simpIify, cIarify, economize.
SimpIify, cIarify, economize.
Are you guys payin' attention?
That had ''suicide'' written aII over it.
No, I get it.
Get rid of everything. The PC-99
onIy exists in cyberspace. In heaven.

- You kidding?
- No, I'm serious.

I'm upset and I think I wet myseIf,
but I'm serious. Put it aII on the Internet!

No CD, no fIoppy, no RAM,
no hard drive, no nothing.

The software's aII stored in cyberspace.
