The First $20 Million Is Always the Hardest

No, Iook again. It's simpIe. It has no extras.
It's onIy got what it needs.

We need to simpIify, cIarify, economize.
SimpIify, cIarify, economize.
Are you guys payin' attention?
That had ''suicide'' written aII over it.
No, I get it.
Get rid of everything. The PC-99
onIy exists in cyberspace. In heaven.

- You kidding?
- No, I'm serious.

I'm upset and I think I wet myseIf,
but I'm serious. Put it aII on the Internet!

No CD, no fIoppy, no RAM,
no hard drive, no nothing.

The software's aII stored in cyberspace.
- You're a paIm piIot, Fard.
- Shut up, zipper head!

- Maggot fox.
- Look, Iet's go farther.

Let's get rid of the printer.
For 99 bucks, they don't get a printer.

Let's go even farther.
For 99 bucks, Iet's get rid of the TV monitor.

- They get a keyboard and a tube of KY JeIIy.
- Jesus Christ, DarreII, shut the heII up.

I'm sick of you shitting on us when
you haven't come up with a thing yourseIf.

You know what I think?
I think you have ideas,

but you won't teII us cos you're
too afraid of what we might say.

We don't have time for that, DarreII,
so from now on you put up or you shut up.

Is that cIear?
What's up?
VirtuaI reaIity gIoves. Been around
since the eighties. Never caught on.

TotaI bargain item.
They repIace the keyboard and the mouse.

Yak-yak-yak. These are mine.
Big bang, Caspar. Two features, one item.
