The House on Turk Street

And there is a girl.
Was it out of willfulness or out of
stupidity you let this man see you?

I'm sorry, Tyrone...
...but l think he seems to have
seen you too.

No, he hasn't.
Seems he's smarter than you.
She's like a spoiled child.
Hateful towards those
who take care of her.

-And yet totally dependent.
-Leave her alone.

And Hoop...
:17:45 the spoiled boy.
The spoiled boy
to whom l gave a future...

...despite the metal plate in his head
and the diagnosed psychosis.

Now, Hoop, was it the belle of tacos
or the king of burgers...

...which had most recently
rejected your services?

What are you laughing at, cop?
It's good that our stay in
these close quarters nears its end.

-Brunch is ready.
-No, brunch is canceled.

The unexpected appearance
by the cop has altered our plans.

Excuse me, l have been cooking
since his goddamned appearance.

No one said anything.
Well, perhaps brunch
is just what we need.

Who would like to say the blessing?
-How about our guest?
-He should say a prayer.

-Leave him alone.
-You haven't anything to worry about.

I'm sure everything will go
as planned.

I'll say the blessing.
