The Hunchback of Notre Dame II

What are you doing now,
my little cabbage?

- Practicing.
- Why strain yourself?

Oh, did you find out where
the monster keeps his bell, trinket?

He is not a monster,
and I am not your trinket.

I mean to have that bell.
I want nothing more
to do with your thefts.

Oh, really? And how will you
survive out there, hmm? On your looks?

- Quasimodo sees something you don't.
- Oh, does he?

Well, what if he were to have
an unfortunate accident?

If I have to go
up there with my men...

and do it the hard way,
the hunchback may get hurt.

No! You can't! You-- You wouldn't.
If you want him alive,
then lure the bell-ringer away...

while I steal La Fidele.
Lead him out of harm's way.
