The Laramie Project

Quite frankIy,
I wanted to Iash out at somebody.

Not Matthew, pIease understand that.
Not one of us was mad at Matthew.

We maybe wanted to squeeze
McKinney's head off.

And I think about Henderson....
You know, two absoIuteIy...
...human beings caused so much grief
for so many peopIe.

They wanna start me
on these AZT drugs immediateIy.

If you...
...if you start them within 36 hours...
...maybe that can stop you
from getting the disease.

This has been just terribIe
for my whoIe famiIy...

...but mostIy for her and her kids.
Those drugs, the AZT drugs.
She throws up every day.
She cries so much,
she's afraid to touch her Kids.

I just hope she doesn't go before me.
No matter how you dice it,
I did have the opportunity.

If I had had amazing 20-20 hindsight...
...I had the opportunity to stop what
occurred that night. I couId have.

I should have Known these guys
shouldn't be talKing to him.

I shouIdn't have had my head down...
...whiIe I was washing dishes
for those 20 seconds.

AII those IittIe things I couId've done,
and I couId've stopped this.

So what the heII was I thinking?
And I Keep seeing that picture in my head...
...of when I found him.
And it is not pleasant whatsoever.
