The Sweetest Thing

- Baby.
- Maybe he just freaked out.

He will call up tomorrow when he realizes
what a huge mistake he made.

- He's probably going through that whole...
- No.

He says he's been wanting this for six months.
He says he's been dying inside
ever since I brought over my garment bag.

- Honey.
- What?

We're all guilty of it.
You made yourself too available.

It's a classic mistake, sweetheart.
- Yeah.
- Not according to this.

"Commandment four."
"True Love: The Ten Commandments."
"Commandment number four:
Thou shalt be open to love's possibilities.

"Boundaries are the enemies of love."
Sweetie, you know what?
This book is relationship propaganda.

Listen to me.
Dating is all about boundaries.
Honey, you have to protect yourself.
We've all had our heart stomped on
one too many times...

...because we served it to them
on a big old platter.

A good defence is the best offence.
I am so tired of playing games.
This is not about playing games.
This is about self-preservation.

You can't throw yourself out there
all exposed and vulnerable every time.

That is how you get smacked down.
Do you understand?
Don't go looking for Mr. Right.
Look for Mr. Right Now.

And, eventually, if he's worthy, then one day...
...that "now" part is just going to drop away.
Naturally, you know?
Meanwhile, you're just
going to have fun together.

Yeah. Not so serious. Shake it off a little bit.
Speaking of fun, we are going to take you out.
We are taking you out.
You are going to have a good time.

Hey, Christina. Courtney.
- Jane.
- Hello, Jane.

- Welcome.
- Thank you.
