
We did everything together.
l don't know what it was,
wejust clicked.

Alan was great.
He liked me for who l was.

And he didn't care
about my problem.

(Ioud fart)
Alan had no sense ofsmell.
Alan was my best friend.
Alan was my only friend.
But every day was a constant
struggle with my problem.

And every day, l tried to avoid...
Look who it isn't.
Patrick Smash.

What are you doing in my corner
of the pIayground, Smash?

You ain't nothing
but a big, fat Ioser.

Give us your Iunchbox.
(chiIdren shout and Iaugh)
- Ugh. What's this crap?
- It's speciaI food,...

:06:53 heIp me with my probIem.
No, it's not. It's crap!
I want jam tomorrow. AII right?
HeIIo, Patrick.
- How progresses the day?
- AII right, thanks, AIan.

Oh, no! We've been invaded by
creatures from the pIanet Zorg!

(boys giggIe)
The nearest star, Proxima Centaura,
is four Iight years away.

It is debatabIe
that this steIIar body...

..hoIds within
its gravitationaI puII...

..a pIanetary system of any kind,...
..Iet aIone one that goes by
the appeIIation of Zorg.

- If we widen our...
- Shut up, Zorg boy.

Good one, Damon.
You suck, Zorg boy!
(kicks Iunchbox) Idiot.
What am I, Patrick?
I'm a bIithering idiot.
My attempt to embarrass them
with my astrophysics...

..was, quite frankIy,
a fooIish waste of time.

AIan, why do you taIk
in that funny way?

I speak with cIarity
and precision.

The abiIity to utiIise Ianguage
is just one of my many taIents,...

..taIents which wiII enabIe me
to reaIise my dream.
