
Even my mum
went a bit quiet.

Got your Iunchbox?
So l was really looking forward
to going to school...

..and making some friends.
Give Mummy a kiss.
- (farts)
- Oh.

(teacher) Morning, children!
(children) Morning, Miss Little.
Children, this is Patrick Smash.
Patrick Smash, say hello.
(Ioud fart)
lt wasn't a good start.
- (chiIdren chant) Fart boy!
- Sit down, chiIdren.

All the kids pointed
and shouted.

Except one.
That was the day l met Alan.
(chuckIes and farts)
We did everything together.
l don't know what it was,
wejust clicked.

Alan was great.
He liked me for who l was.

And he didn't care
about my problem.

(Ioud fart)
Alan had no sense ofsmell.
Alan was my best friend.
Alan was my only friend.
But every day was a constant
struggle with my problem.

And every day, l tried to avoid...
Look who it isn't.
Patrick Smash.

What are you doing in my corner
of the pIayground, Smash?

You ain't nothing
but a big, fat Ioser.

Give us your Iunchbox.
(chiIdren shout and Iaugh)
- Ugh. What's this crap?
- It's speciaI food,...

:06:53 heIp me with my probIem.
No, it's not. It's crap!
I want jam tomorrow. AII right?
