
(Ioud fart)
(chiIdren groan)
(boy) Fart boy.
(chiIdren chant)
(chanting) Fart boy! Fart boy!
That was the worst day
ofmy life,...

(TV) ln space news today,...
..the electrical systems on board
the space station lcarus...

..have caused concern.
lcarus Control tell us
there is no cause for alarm.

HeIIo, Patrick.
Mind if I come in?

- I missed you at schooI.
- I'm not going back.

- I toId Mum I'm iII.
- I repaired the thunderpants.

I don't care.
I know now, AIan.

You toId me,
I haven't got a unique gift.

My dream's never going
to come true.

But the thunderpants work.
They're stronger than ever now.
You can try to avoid Damon.
- That's your dream right there.
- That's not my dream.

- I thought you wanted a cure.
- I did.

But that wasn't my dream.
I want to be a spaceman.
I've aIways wanted
to be a spaceman,...

..ever since I was smaII.
I Iove rockets
and I Iove space.

If I was a spaceman,
I couId fIy into space...

..and everybody wiII know
it was me, Patrick Smash.

I couId Iook down at the earth
and it wouId be tiny.

PeopIe Iike Damon
wouId be so smaII,...

:21:48 couIdn't even see them.
You couId hardIy even see
the country they were in.

And they'd Iook up to space...
..and know that I was up there
and I was free.

Patrick Smash,...
