
You toId me,
I haven't got a unique gift.

My dream's never going
to come true.

But the thunderpants work.
They're stronger than ever now.
You can try to avoid Damon.
- That's your dream right there.
- That's not my dream.

- I thought you wanted a cure.
- I did.

But that wasn't my dream.
I want to be a spaceman.
I've aIways wanted
to be a spaceman,...

..ever since I was smaII.
I Iove rockets
and I Iove space.

If I was a spaceman,
I couId fIy into space...

..and everybody wiII know
it was me, Patrick Smash.

I couId Iook down at the earth
and it wouId be tiny.

PeopIe Iike Damon
wouId be so smaII,...

:21:48 couIdn't even see them.
You couId hardIy even see
the country they were in.

And they'd Iook up to space...
..and know that I was up there
and I was free.

Patrick Smash,...
That's what they'II say.
Oh, good heavens, Patrick!
Have you Iost your mind?

:22:11 be an astronaut,
you need training.

You need to be
at a physicaI peak.

You need to have passed exams
at the highest IeveIs.

Of course.
Patrick? I... I didn't mean...
I... I... Oh.
