
..that what you are
about to see is cIassified.

Category tripIe A cIearance.
Son, I gotta teII ya,...
..behind these doors
is the secret...

..of the USSC famiIy.
A famiIy I sincereIy hope
that you wiII soon join.

- AIan.
- Yes, sir.

This is your show.
- You take it from here.
- (cIears throat)

(electronic voice)
Scanning. Scanning.

Agent Johnson J Johnson.
You are clear to enter.

(Tannoy) Control room crew,
prepare for guidance verification.

Come on, Patrick.
Let me introduce you
to my team.

The best of the best.
HeIIo, everybody.
Patrick, the guys.
WeIcome aboard, Patrick!
This is a proud moment
for us aII.

Patrick, this is Jose.
Everything OK, Jose?
I'm sorry, Patrick, but
I'm trying to expIain something...

:59:23 those idiots
in Launch ControI.

They screwed up the inertiaI
pIatform faiIure procedure...

..and they have misinterpreted
the Iaunch teIemetry.

They're driving me crazy!
CaIm down, Jose.
We'II sort it out.

Why don't we ask
the grown-ups to heIp?

- (cIear throats)
- Don't you see, Patrick?

There are no grown-ups
in research and pIanning.

We make the decisions here.
The grown-ups of the USSC
are on a constant search...

..throughout the worId
to seek out chiIdren with gifts.

That's why they came
and found me.

And that's why
they found you, too.

- But aII I can do is fart.
- ExactIy, Patrick. ExactIy.
