Treasure Planet

Shh. shh.
- Aah!
- Aah!

Oh, this is fantastic!
A carbon-based life form
come to rescue me at last!

l just want to hug you
and squeeze you...

and hold you close to me.
All right. OK.
Would you just let go of me?

Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry.
lt's just l've been marooned
for so long.

l mean, solitude's fine.
Don't get me wrong.

For heaven's sakes,
after a hundred years...

you go a little nuts!
Ha ha ha!

l'm sorry. Am l...
l am, um...
My name is, uh...
B.E.N.! Of course, l'm B.E.N.
Bioelectronic Navigator. Oops.
- And you are?
- Jim.

Oh, what a pleasure
to meet you, Jimmy.

- lt's Jim.
- Anyway...

Look, l'm kind of
in a hurry, OK?

l got to find a place to hide,
and there's pirates chasing me.

Oh, pirates!
Don't get me started on pirates!

l don't like them.
l remember Captain Flint.

This guy had such a temper.
Wait, wait, wait.
You knew Captain Flint?

l think he suffered
from mood swings, personally.

l'm not a therapist,
and anyway...

but l--you let me know
when l'm rambling.

But that means--but wait.
But then you gotta know
about the treasure?

- Treasure?
- Yeah, Flint's trove?

You know,
loot of a thousand worlds.

lt's--well, it's...
it's all a little--
little--little fuzzy.

Wait. l--l r-r-remember.
l do. l--treasure!
Lots of treasure
buried in the centroid--

of the mechanism.

And there was this big door
opening and closing...

and opening and closing...
